Full length Savages, The movie

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Posted by Klaudia

Title: Savages, The
Genres: Comedy, Drama

Year: 2007

Actors: Linney, Laura(Wendy Savage), Hoffman, Philip Seymour(Jon Savage), Bosco, Philip(Lenny Savage), Friedman, Peter(Larry), Zayas, David(Eduardo), Akinnagbe, Gbenga(Jimmy), Seymour, Cara(Kasia), Patano, Tonye(Ms. Robinson), Boyd, Guy(Bill Lachman), Monk, Debra(Nancy Lachman), Murphy, Rosemary(Doris Metzger), Blankenship, Hal(Burt), Jaffe, Joan(Lizzie), Kirkpatrick, Sage(Real Estate Agent), Ludwig, Salem(Mr. Sperry)

Directed by: Jenkins, Tamara

Description: A sister and brother face the realities of familial responsibility as they begin to care for their ailing father.

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