Full length Bourne Identity, The movie

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Posted by Klaudia

Title: Bourne Identity, The
Genres: Action, Adventure, Mystery, Thriller

Year: 2002

Actors: Damon, Matt(Jason Bourne), Potente, Franka(Marie Helena Kreutz), Cooper, Chris(Alexander Conklin), Owen, Clive(The Professor), Cox, Brian(Ward Abbott), Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Adewale(Nykwana Wombosi), Mann, Gabriel(Danny Zorn), Goggins, Walton(Research Tech), Hamilton, Josh(Research Tech), Stiles, Julia(Nicky), Guerrini, Orso Maria(Giancarlo), Dutton, Tim(Eamon), Braccini, Denis(Picot), Naude, Nicky(Castel), Selburg, David(Marshall)

Directed by: Liman, Doug

Description: Based very loosely on Robert Ludlum's novel, the Bourne Identity is the story of a man whose wounded body is discovered by fisherman who nurse him back to health. He can remember nothing and begins to try to rebuild his memory based on clues such as the Swiss bank account, the number of which, is implanted in his hip. He soon realizes that he is being hunted and takes off with Marie on a search to find out who he is and why he is being hunted.

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