Agent Cody Banks movie online

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Posted by Klaudia

Title: Agent Cody Banks
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Family, Romance, Thriller

Year: 2003

Actors: Muniz, Frankie(Cody Banks), Duff, Hilary(Natalie Connors), Angie Harmon(Ronica Miles), David, Keith(CIA Director), Stevenson, Cynthia(Mrs. Banks), Vosloo, Arnold(Francois Molay), Roebuck, Daniel(Mr. Banks), McShane, Ian(Dr. Brinkman), Hammond, Darrell(Earl), Donovan, Martin(Dr. Connors), Shelton, Marc(Surveillance Van Agent), Gauthier, Chris(Surveillance Van Agent), Van Gorkum, Harry(Double Agent), Widdows, Connor(Alex Banks), Norbury, Eliza(Mom)

Directed by: Zwart, Harald

Description: Cody Banks (Frankie Muniz) is a shy common teenager, living with his mother, father and little brother in a suburban house. But he is also a very efficient undercover CIA agent. He is assigned by CIA director (Keith David), with the support of his instructor Ronica Miles (Angie Harmon), to date Natalie Connors (Hilary Duff) in order to be invited to her birthday party and get close and spy Natalie's father, Dr. Connors (Martin Donovan). Dr. Connors is a brilliant scientist, who has developed some sort of micro-robots with the intention of controlling oil leakage from tankers. However, the investors of the experiment intend to use the device as a powerful weapon.

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